Communicate Blue announces the launch of Blue Australasia in New South Wales. Read announcement…
Martin Blake: into the blue economy
The Fifth Estate interviews Dr. Blake on the Blue Economy on the eve of the Sydney launch of Blue Australasia. Read article…
Launch of blue economy in Australia
Sorceable Industry News & Analysis features the launch of the Blue Economy in Australia beginning with the launch of Blue Australasia in Brisbane by co-founders Dr. Martin Blake and Professor David Hood. Read article…
Blue is the new green
Eco-Business e-zine’s recent article ‘Blue is the new green’ compares the ‘green’ growth model with the more competitive ‘blue’ economy option… Read article…
Integreco Newsletter
Recent newsletter from Integreco, featuring IDP and Blue Economy S2S project launches; Construction Leaders Bullish About 2014; Housing Approvals Soar to 11 Year Highs and more. Soil2Soul is a pioneer in Australia, aiming to become Australia’s first Blue Economy based agriculture and farm project. Several members of Blue Australasia are advising the client in this regard. Read newsletter…
Blue vs Green? The need for an Integrated Perspective.
Sorceable Industry News & Analysis clarifies the Blue Economy, focussing on the role of integrative design processes (IDP). Read article…
The Blue Economy Interview in Melbourne
Mad Scientist Digital interviews Dr. Martin Blake and Leigh Baker on the principles and practical solutions offered by the Blue Economy. Listen to podcast…
Building economic resilience
Shepparton News interviews Dr. Martin Blake on how the principles and strategies of the Blue Economy can be applied to businesses to build economic resilience. Read article…
ABC Carbon Express Newsletter 205
Recent newsletter from ABC Carbon Express, focusing on sustainability for countries, cities, communities, industries, businesses and events. Read article…
Managing sustainability
2degrees speaks with Dr. Martin Blake about how to use nature to develop your sustainability strategy. Read article…