Revitalising local economies
Presented by CIFAL Findhorn and partners.
Leadership for climate change and sustainability
Business forum presented by La Trobe University and partners.
Sustainable enterprise seminar series
Systems II: using systems for sustainability presented by Griffith University, Asia Pacific Centre for Sustainable Enterprise.
SIRF sustainability seminar
The Business Case for Sustainability, Queensland Sustainability Roundtable.
Marginal abatement cost curves seminar
Financial Modelling of Carbon Reduction Investment Strategies: Marginal Abatement Cost Curves.
Beyond compliance, the compelling case for decarbonising
IFMA Networking Breakfast presented by the International Facility Management Association, Hong Kong Chapter.
Environmental management solutions for industry
Environmental Management Solutions for Industry: Reducing Capex and Opex Through Improved Energy Efficiency. Presented by BritCham.
The energy event
Strategies for designing an effective carbon reduction plan.
Developing a CSR road map for success
One-day workshop sponsored by MOSS (Models of Success & Sustainability Pty Ltd).
Australian Green Infrastructure Council
Our brave new world - where metrics drive sustainability.
Is green sustainability dead?
Energising Communities Breakfast.
Something for nothing - reducing corporate energy bills
Dr. Martin Blake addresses the NSW Division of CPA Australia, together with its Corporate Social Responsibility Discussion Group.
Developing a CSR road map for success
One-day workshop sponsored by MOSS (Models of Success & Sustainability Pty Ltd).
Breakfast with Dr Martin Blake
Presented by the Newcastle branch of the NSW Division of CPA Australia, together with its Corporate Social Responsibility Discussion Group.
Asia Pacific sustainability leadership forum
Presented in conjunction with Global Entrepolis@Singapore 2011 and supported by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and Global Cleantech Cluster Association.
Amida recruitment launch party
A chance to hear the latest on the Asian sustainability market, meet others and find out more about Amida's services.
Carbon zero solutions - unlocking the wealth in your waste
Energising Communities Conference via Skype.
A sustainable future: risks and opportunities
Symposium on Accounting, Reporting and Assurance for a Sustainable Future: Risks and Opportunities. Presented by Nanyang Business School and the Australian School of Business.
Smarter energy
Executive brainstorm hosted by CNBC, Harvard Business Review and Shell, in conjunction with the Singapore International Energy Week.
Why sustainability matters
CEO Institute Dinner features Dr. Martin Blake presenting the business case for sustainability and why it matters.
Beyond tax and compliance
Dr. Martin Blake presents to the CPA Australian Mining and Energy Conference 2011 the compelling business cases for creating significant and profitable wins for business, the environment and communities.
Enviroasia conference
5th International Environmental Technologies Exhibition and Conference presented by Singapore Exhibition Services Pte Ltd.
Energy management Asia summit
Dr. Martin Blake presents 'Cost effective energy reduction strategies and methodologies for New Builds and Refurbishments'. Sponsored by Comfori.
Media and multi-sector partnerships in achieving positive social change
Media Leader's Forum on corporate social responsibility and climate change.
The compelling business case for energy conservation
The British High Commission in Singapore hosts a lecture by Dr. Martin Blake on the business case for energy conservation and best practices for organisations.
Carbon. Liability or opportunity?
A series of half day workshops with Top 100 Sustainability Leaders Prof Ray Wills, Dr. Martin Blake & Anne-Maree Huxley. Discover how your company can save up to 40% on energy bills with zero up front capital.
Capital cities on the tour include:
Carbon tax – obligation or opportunity
An AIM event presenting strategies for how to go beyond compliance and save between 20-40% on energy bills with zero up front capital. Register...
Developing a CSR roadmap for success
A series of one-day workshops with International CSR and Sustainability specialist Dr. Martin Blake, providing valuable resources to improve your profitability and sustainability performance. Sponsored by MOSS (Models of Success & Sustainability Pty Ltd). Register...
Capital cities on the tour include:
An audience with Dr Martin Blake
Presented by the Green Building Council Indonesia and GREENRIGHT.
Indonesia Green Building Council Conference
The 2012 conference and expo explores creating a clean and green future for Indonesia from planning to product to construction to waste management. Register...
Island Sustainability
University of Guam's 3rd Regional Conference on Island Sustainability. Dr. Blake is the plenary speaker and the theme of this year's conference is Energising Green Communities. Register...
Crosslands Resources
Dr. Blake has been invited by iron ore exporter Crosslands Resources Ltd to an in-house strategic advisory session on the subject of sustainable enterprise.
Carbon Management Institute of Australia
Dr. Blake will address the Carbon Management Institute of Australia on the relevance of managing carbon emissions and related opportunities in energy efficiency and productivity improvement. Register...
Temasek Forum Breakfast Talk
Dr. Blake will address the Temasek Group on the topic of 'Blue' opportunities and case studies.
The International Green Awards
Dr. Blake will speak at The International Green Awards for Creativity in Sustainability. Find out more...
One-day Business Sustainability Summits
A series of one-day summits across the country with International Sustainability Advisor and Professor of Sustainable Business Dr. Martin Blake. Designed to provide valuable resources to improve your profitability and sustainability performance. Sponsored by MOSS (Models of Success & Sustainability Pty Ltd) by appointment of UK-based International Green Awards for Creativity in Sustainability.
Summit locations include:
Thanks to sponsors Industry RE, Renewablelogic, Sustainable Townsville and Townsville Solar City tickets that would normally sell at $1,000 will be FREE for the first 200 participants. So take advantage of the MOSS pre-release of tickets and Book today....
Sustainability Breakfast
Dr. Blake will speak about how sustainable business practices can improve your bottom line. Sponsored by Fuji Xerox. Register by 18 September...
Reducing the UAE's Carbon Footprint - A Corporate Heroes Award Ceremony
This national event recognises the first organisations in the UAE private sector to receive the verified Corporate Heroes Award for significantly reducing their ecological footprint. Dr. Blake's keynote address will focus on driving the transition to a low carbon economy. Sponsored by Emirates Wildlife Society, in association with WWF. By invitation.
Dubai Chamber Centre for Responsible Business (CRB)
Dr. Blake will address the Dubai Chamber Sustainability Network members as part of their Expert Session series. The objective of the network is to advance CSR and Sustainability in the UAE, promote and internalise CSR Best Practices, and build CSR based competitive advantages and business reputation. The network offers companies in Dubai and the UAE the opportunity to network, share experiences, and demonstrate CSR/Sustainability leadership.
Reporting & Accounting for Climate Change & Sustainability
Dr. Blake will appear on the Panel of Speakers to address the Masters class of the Australian School of Business, The University of New South Wales.
SMC Annual Conference 2013: Opportunities in Manufacturing Energy Efficiency
Dr. Blake will speak at the 2013 Sustainable Manufacturing Centre (SMC) conference, which has attracted leading industry champions to discuss trends, methodologies and industry cases in manufacturing energy efficiency. Register for this free event...
Blue economy: biomimicry and managing sustainability
Two campus luncheon talks with International Sustainability Advisor and Professor of Sustainable Business, Dr. Martin Blake.
Campus locations include:
Melbourne sustainability drinks
Dr. Blake will be sharing his story and also talking about Beyond Green – Regenerative Design and The Blue Economy, and how systems thinking and smart innovation are delivering major sustainability successes.
50 shades of green and blue
GreenUps is collaborating with the Carbon Reduction Institute to host a night exploring the concept of The Blue Economy. Dr. Martin Blake is among the distinguished speakers. The event will also announce the NSW launch of Blue Australasia.
Sustainable Village Living conference
Dr. Blake will be addressing residential sub-developers on the theme of sustainable development, encompassing infrastructure, homes and community facilities. More details...
Breakfast: Turn your business into 'blue'
A rare opportunity to hear from Dr. Martin Blake, an internationally recognised sustainability expert and Professor of Sustainable Business Development. Dr. Blake will be joined by the Carbon Reduction Institute, who will share a presentation on the principles of the Blue Economy. Register...
International Conference on Business Sustainability
Dr. Martin Blake will be speaking at this international conference - the first of its kind in Asia - which is set to present the extraordinary challenges of sustainability and the exceptional opportunities of green growth. It is being held in conjunction with International Earth Day 2015. Register...
Big Blue Sky Innovation and Creativity Festival
Dr. Martin Blake will be one of 3 Keynote speakers at the Gold Coast's Creativity and Innovation Festival - Big Blue Sky Event. In addition to his keynote 'How to Make Green into Gold', he will also host an intimate dinner, but places are limited to 15 so book now. Tickets...
The 9th Annual Global CSR Summit and Awards Ceremony 2017
Dr. Martin Blake is honoured to be chairing the annual ceremony and will also open the event with the Keynote address: Beyond Sustainability - Towards a New Paradigm For Business in the 21st Century: Adapting Versus Embracing Sustainability. Register....
Singapore Global Convention on Corporate Ethics & Risk Management
Dr. Martin Blake will be speaking at this international conference on the theme: Building an Ethical & Risk Resilient Enterprise. Register....